From the Stewardship Journal Team
Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, starts off the conversation on preaching with his post entitled The Importance of Preaching on Stewardship. Here is a compelling sentence Mark makes, “We are raising the next generation without teaching them a key component of discipleship: being good stewards of what God entrusts us with. This lack of biblical teaching will affect both them and the church they attend.” Mark then shares how preaching can help.
In Mark’s Bonus Section, he gives practical advice on how to preach on giving with a post entitled Six Thoughts on How to Preach on Giving. Mark sums up his advice by saying, “Making time for this crucial aspect of ministry will mean that your church’s missions and ministry are fully funded.” Let’s get your church fully funded to do all God has in store for you.
Dr. Wendell Lang, the Director of Ministry Resources for Oklahoma Baptist’s WatersEdge, writes our final post entitled Stewardship Matters. Dr. Lang states “Having pastored for over 43 years, I know the tension of talking about money.” He then shares key points on how to preach on stewardship in a way to avoid that tension. All three of our posts will help you better preach on stewardship.
Would you like additional resources on preaching? We have provided access for you to the Stewardship Journal’s vault of additional material. Here is how to access this material:
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- Look in the upper right corner of the site for the link that says ‘Resources’ and click on it.
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Pastor, our prayer is that this edition will help you craft a series on stewardship and generosity that will result in your church becoming a generous church today and in the future. Let’s preach and teach the value of a lifetime of stewardship!
In Jesus’ name!