From the Desk of Our Executive Director
In 2014, only 14% of churches offered any type of online giving. Today, that number has skyrocketed. Yet there are still pockets of resistance to online giving. One common misconception is that online giving is only for larger churches. Our lead post, No Church is Too Small, tackles this important topic. The post shares the results of a poll taken on a Facebook group page for Church leaders. I found their comments interesting and enlightening. Small and large churches will benefit from reading this piece.
Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach’s column, continues with his current theme of discussing raising capital for churches. This week’s column is entitled What Should a Capital Campaign Consultant Do? Mark dissects what most consultants do and shares a better way to move forward. At the end of his piece, he outlines the various resources he uses to help churches raise capital dollars and dollars for your ministry budget. We are excited that all those resources are available to you for free!
Our Bonus Section, Overcoming Your Summer Slump in Giving, helps you plan out a special offering around Labor Day with a two-fold goal. We want to help you close any giving gap you have experienced this summer. We also want to help you gain new donors with this special offering that the Bonus Section lays out for you in a week-by-week plan of action.
Did you miss a copy of the Stewardship Journal? All our past editions are archived for you to easily access. Go to, and you will find how to access back issues in the upper right-hand corner. Our goal is to help you create a culture of generosity based on biblical principles of stewardship so that we can continue,
Advancing the Gospel!

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