From the Desk of Our Executive Director
How is giving going at your church? That’s the question we want to ask with this edition of the Stewardship Journal. Summer has traditionally been one of the most challenging times for churches in terms of making the budget. We want to help you close any giving gap that might be threatening your current and future missions and ministries. Our lead post starts out our discussion with a post entitled Yes, You Can Make Up Lost Giving. We will make the case for making up lost offerings and show you how to accomplish this.
Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, shares further advice on how to close a giving gap with his column The 2023 Come Back Offering Edition. Mark probes why churches get behind their budget, as well as tips and keys for how to reverse any giving decline you might be experiencing.
Mark’s Bonus Section is a post entitled Using the Power of Vision. He shares how to increase giving by motivating people not through guilt but by what your church is accomplishing for the Kingdom. This is a great post that shares how to craft a vision that will help you see an increase in giving.
This issue could help you recover any lost giving ground you have experienced, helping you end the summer on a strong note as well as setting the stage for a great fall. Our goal is not only to help increase giving but to help you build a culture of generosity based upon biblical stewardship. The Stewardship Journal is your stewardship resource to help you be fully funded. Remember, if you know of someone that would like to receive the Journal, please send them this link for easy signup
Advancing the Gospel!

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