From the Desk of Our Executive Director
Welcome to another edition of the Stewardship Journal.
Are you on social media? According to our lead post, How Social Media Can Advance Your Summer Missions, 59% of the world’s population uses social media.The average daily usage of social media is 2 hours and 31 minutes. With that kind of usage, it stands to reason that your church must have a social media strategy. This issue of the Stewardship Journal focuses on how you can use social media in your church. As the lead post suggests, we use social media to increase summer missions and ministry.
Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, has been on vacation for the last couple of weeks but has yet to leave us without counsel. Mark’s column is entitled Using Social Media to Beat the Summer Slump in Giving, As always, he lays out practical tips and advice on how to increase your giving by telling your story through social media.
This week’s Bonus Section, entitled Social Media Checklist and Suggested Action List, is designed to print off as a handout for your team to review your summer social media strategy. Since we know summer is always a challenging time for giving, it makes sense to plan now to meet that challenge. We give you the tools to do exactly that.
You can access hundreds of offering talks to help you set the stage for improving your offering time. You can find out how to access these at the end of Mark’s Stewardship Coach column. Remember, if you know of someone that would like to receive the Journal, please send them this link for easy signup
The time to prepare to offset any slump in summer giving is now! We give you the tools to do exactly that so that we can all be about…
Advancing the Gospel!

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