From the Desk of Our Executive Director
Welcome to another Stewardship Journal!
Pastor, we are here to help! In these stressful times, we want the Stewardship Journal to be a source of information, instruction, and inspiration. Pastor Richard “Richie” Rhea is one of our “older brother” MBC pastors and is always gracious to bring his pastoral experience to whatever topic we are dealing with. In this month, as we focus on preaching on stewardship, often a stressful topic, I think you will be challenged by the word Richie brings with his article, The Gracious Giver. Thanks, Richie, for showing that we “older brothers” bring great wisdom and value to the table.
Now here is a preview of what you can expect in the rest of the Stewardship Journal.
When was the last time you preached a stewardship series? Get ready for that question in The Power of the Pulpit, the first in a three-part series on preaching on stewardship by Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach.
If you ever wondered if you should preach a series on stewardship, this week’s Bonus Section, entitled Making the Case for the Forgotten Sermon addresses this from both a biblical and practical point of view.
Then, finally, this week’s Mission and Ministry talk is a twist on a recent study that found 88% of evangelical churchgoers are happy with how often their church talks about money. This week’s talk, entitled 88% Are Happy, explores why.
Again, we are here for you. Let us know your thoughts, ideas, and input. And thanks for reading the Stewardship Journal. Please share these posts with others.
Remember, if you know of someone that would like to receive the Journal, please send them this link for easy signup
Advancing the Gospel!

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