From the Desk of Our Executive Director
Welcome to another edition of the Stewardship Journal.
Are you asking the right questions when it comes to stewardship and generosity? We are asking that question in this edition of the Stewardship Journal. Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, leads off this edition by sharing how we first approached Mark in the fall of 2021, asking him to review our resources. His reply took us back, but when we looked at his finding through pastoral eyes, we saw the value of asking the right question. What resulted from those questions is the Stewardship Journal; dedicated to helping church leaders establish a culture of generosity based on biblical stewardship principles. The question for you is, are you using it?
Mark Brooks’ Stewardship Coach column is titled The Value is in the Question. Mark states, “Asking the right questions is a key step toward solving the issues that face a church.” Are you asking the right questions?
This week’s Bonus Section is entitled What Questions You Should be Asking. This piece is designed to help you begin crafting the questions that will give you an accurate analysis of your state of giving. You will also find a preview of questions you should consider as you approach the summer. Remember, summer is one of the most challenging times for giving. Preparing now will ensure you can fully fund all your missions and ministry this summer.
The link to this week’s Mission and Ministry Moment can be found at the end of Mark’s column. Starting this week, we moved all Missions and Ministry talks from the weekly Stewardship Journal site to Mark’s Stewardship Coach platform. This gives MBC pastors and staff access to hundreds of talks. You will find easy-to-follow steps in this edition.
As a pastor/leader in the MBC, you can access all these resources for free. We know the way to increase CP giving is by producing and sustaining local MBC churches across our state as Gospel lighthouses that are…
Advancing the Gospel!

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