From the Desk of Our Executive Director

From the Desk of Our Executive Director

One of the most unreported issues in the Church today is the burnout of pastors and staff. Amidst a huge cultural and societal shift, we have been forced to deal with a global pandemic. Attendance and giving plummeted overnight, and many churches struggled to return to their pre-Covid numbers. No wonder so many are burning out. We felt it was time for a word of encouragement. We turned to a frequent writer here, long-time MBC pastor Richie Rhea. Richie writes our opening post entitled You Need a Real Buddy. I believe you will find this an encouraging word and a key to avoiding burnout.

Here is a preview of the rest of this week’s Stewardship Journal.

Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, writes his lead post on Four Reasons Why You Must Analyze Giving. Here is how his post starts, “Yesterday, January 29th, marked the 5th Sunday of the New Year, and my question for you is, do you know how giving is going? I have found that pastors who know the answer to that question are more likely to make their budget than those who can’t answer the question. Which are you?” Find out by reading Mark’s post.

Then, learn how to analyze giving at your church with this week’s Bonus Section. This section of the Journal gives you practical ways to track your giving. The post is entitled How to Assess Your Church’s Giving Landscape.

This week’s Mission and Ministry moment is entitled How Do You See the Glass? It gives you an opportunity to share the good news of the life change your church is doing. It then gives a positive appeal to help offering up the Living Water Jesus promised.

Would you like to write for the Journal? We are working to fill out our 2023 writing schedule and would love to hear from you. If you have something you feel would benefit others in our state, let us know. We can help you edit that story, thought, or post. Your thoughts could be exactly what another pastor needs. If you are interested, contact Rob Phillips at We would love to hear from you!

Advancing the Gospel!

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Dr. John Yeats

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