From the Desk of Our Executive Director

From the Desk of Our Executive Director

Welcome to another edition of the Stewardship Coach. We are the only weekly stewardship resource in the Southern Baptist Convention. We exist to help enhance generosity at your church, allowing you to fulfill The Great Commission.

Here is a preview of this week’s Stewardship Journal.

Did you know that 10,000 Baby Boomers turn 65 every day? Did you also know that Boomers are the largest donor group by dollar amount of any of your generational givers? Those questions explain the title of our lead post, It’s Time to Challenge Boomers. This generation still has abilities and resources that can and will make a difference in your church. Find out how to challenge your Boomers to make a difference in their retirement years. Let’s put this untapped group to work!

One reason we were attracted to Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, is because he writes insightful posts on stewardship and generosity and gives practical advice that is easy to implement in any church. His post this week is on A Yearly Overview of Stewardship Planning. Mark shares how he approaches yearly stewardship planning. I love his opening line, “At $99.99 a year; I’m the cheapest staff member you have and the most valuable in helping you hit your budget numbers.” We are pleased to provide you with Mark’s counsel for free!

This week’s Bonus Section is a post entitled How to Introduce Stewardship Planning to Your Staff Meetings. Like all of Mark’s material, the post is a practical plan of how you can lead your staff or your Finance Team to create and sustain a culture of generosity throughout the year. Every staff should implement this plan of action.

This week’s Mission and Ministry moment is again around the theme of Valentine’s Day. It is entitled What’s Love Got to Do With It? The “talk” uses a Rock and Roll icon to demonstrate the difference between the world’s view of love and God’s. I love the last few sentences, “We want you to see the needs and opportunities we see as we attempt to do the work of ministry God called us to. Why? Because we know you have big hearts filled with the love of Jesus. Because you know that love has everything to do with it. Today, through your gift, you can show your love for God through what you give. When it comes to giving, love has everything to do with it! Amen!

Thanks again for taking the time to read the Stewardship Journal. We pray that we can help you build and sustain a culture of generosity built on biblical stewardship. Doing this will aid in our…

Advancing the Gospel!

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Dr. John Yeats

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