From the Desk of Our Executive Director
Welcome to another Stewardship Journal!
88 percent of Evangelicals said they are happy with how often the church asks for tithes and donations. That dispels a myth that church members are unhappy when we talk about giving and money. Why then do so many pastors fear preaching on or asking for money? That is the question our team asks and attempts to answer in our lead post entitled If We Are Not Asking Too Often, Why Are We Not Asking?
Here is a preview of what you can expect in the following pages.
Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, completes his series on taking up the offering in this edition. This week, he shares the importance of the rise of the smartphone in a post entitled The Digital Offering.
This week’s Bonus Section is entitled The Coach’s Text Giving Handbook. Mark gives great practical ideas on how you can increase giving through text giving.
This week’s Mission and Ministry talk is entitled Our Story is Eternal. It gives you a great way to tell the story of what your church is doing for the Kingdom.
We are one month into our second year of the Stewardship Journal. We would love to hear from you not only what you think of the new format but your ideas on how to make the Journal even better. Email Rob Phillips at We look forward to hearing from you!
Remember, if you know of someone that would like to receive the Journal, please send them this link for easy signup
Advancing the Gospel!

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