From the Desk of Our Executive Director
Welcome to another edition of the Stewardship Journal. Here is a preview of this week’s Journal.
What do you do when your well-meaning WMU ladies want to publicize the Lottie Moon Christmas by putting a poster on your pulpit? That was the dilemma a young pastor encountered right out of seminary. Many of us have been in similar positions, so you will enjoy and learn from our lead post by Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, entitled What a Lottie Moon Offering Taught Me About Giving.
Is the economy hurting your church? That is the question and title of Mark’s column. Mark gives us recently released data from Lifeway Research that asked U.S. pastors that same question. It is an interesting read, but Mark always brings that information down to a local church level by asking you if the economy is hurting your church and then shares key steps to navigate these challenging economic times.
This week’s Bonus Section is entitled Pre #GivingTuesday Planning and Preparation. #GivingTuesday is a global charitable event held annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. This year, #GivingTuesday falls on November 29th. Using this guide can help you raise not only dollars but future donors.
Do you know the true meaning behind Halloween? This week’s Mission and Ministry moment, entitled Halloween’s History, gives the true meaning and uses that story to encourage giving. Spending two minutes or less setting up your offering time will improve your giving. We help you each week with a talk you can read word for word or edit to suit your context.
Remember, if you know of someone who would like to receive the Journal, please send them this link for easy signup – We believe that using the advice you find in each week’s Journal will help you build your stewardship platform to increase generosity so that we can continue to be about,
Advancing the Gospel!

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