From the Desk of Our Executive Director
Welcome back to another edition of the Stewardship Journal. We are grateful for your continued support. Here is a preview of this week’s Stewardship Journal.
53% of Evangelicals don’t believe the Bible is literally true, according to a new survey released by Ligonier Ministries and Lifeway Research. Our lead post, In Defense of the Offering, looks at how this biblical illiteracy can and is impacting offerings. After reading this, you will never approach your offerings the same again.
Did you know that 30% of non-profit giving comes in December? Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, does, and his main column, Starting Your End-of-Year Preparations, will help begin preparations for your best end-of-year giving ever. The title sums up the direction Mark is beginning for the next few weeks as we move into the year’s fourth quarter.
This week’s Bonus Section, entitled The Basics of an End-of-Year Appeal, continues the theme of end-of-year planning. This one-page section gives a practical overview of the basics you should work on for your best end-of-year giving.
This week’s Mission and Ministry offering section is entitled Honoring the Lord with Your Wealth. We have been encouraging you to spend two minutes or less setting up your offering, and this talk is designed to help teach the biblical commands of stewardship. We believe that if you take the time to set up each offering with a meaningful message, you will see a giving increase. Let’s use our offering time as a time for stewardship education.
We appreciate each of you and your support of the Stewardship Journal. Remember, if you know of someone who would like to receive the Journal, please send them this link for easy signup –
Advancing the Gospel!

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