From the Desk of our Executive Director
Welcome back to another edition of the Stewardship Journal. We took last week off for Labor Day, the traditional end of summer. Fall is right around the corner, bringing cooler weather and football! It also means full activities for our churches across Missouri and a crucial time for giving. The Stewardship Journal is here to help.
Here is a preview of this week’s Stewardship Journal.
Remember the old joke that there are only two things for certain in life, death and taxes? As we approach the end of this year, we want to help you help your members with their tax planning. I’ll let our lead post, Using Tax Planning to Increase Giving, answer the details of how to achieve this. You will find some great ideas in the post and directions to utilize our Missouri Baptist Foundation to help. We can’t avoid taxes, but we can use tax planning to see an increase in giving.
What is your goal in stewardship? That is the question that Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, asks in his column entitled The Driving Goal of Stewardship. Mark shares what our goal should be and how we can achieve that goal.
This week’s Bonus Section, entitled How to Change the Conversation About Money, picks up how to achieve your goal in stewardship by changing how you think and act.
This week’s Mission and Ministry offering section is entitled Are You Tired of the Offering? It tackles head-on the idea that churches talk too much about money. The talk shows the why behind the offering and the value of giving to a local church.
Thanks for reading. We look forward to seeing a strong giving month of September as we close out our fiscal year. Let us know how we can help you.
Remember, if you know of someone who would like to receive the Journal, please send them this link for easy signup –
Advancing the Gospel!

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