From the Desk of Our Executive Director
Welcome to another Stewardship Journal!
These are some of the most challenging days to minister in that any of us have ever experienced. We have all seen the headlines or heard the talk of ministerial weariness. At the end of last year, as we were planning out 2022, we wanted to give a positive word to pastors early in the year. We reached out and asked one of MBC’s long-tenured pastors, Pastor Richard “Richie” Rhea, to pray and think over the Holidays about what word he would have for his fellow MBC pastors. I think you will enjoy the word Richie brings with his article, Leading In Difficult Times.
Here is a preview of what you can expect in the following pages.
Throughout January, Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, has been writing a series on taking up the offering. This week he gives a great breakdown of elements of an effective offering time in a post entitled The Anatomy of the Offering Time.
Then Mark gives more offering time tips with an insider view of how he writes talks in this week’s Bonus Section entitled How I Write Offering Talks.
This week’s Mission and Ministry moment focuses on Valentine’s Day by comparing the world’s view of love to true love. Boomers especially will connect to this one entitled What’s Love Got To Do With It?
Again, my thanks to Pastor Richie for reminding us to keep our eyes on Jesus! Do you have a story or article you would like for us to consider? We would love to hear it. Email Rob Phillips at
Remember, if you know of someone that would like to receive the Journal, please send them this link for easy signup
Advancing the Gospel!

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