From the Desk of Our Executive Director
Help us improve The Stewardship Journal.
We launched The Stewardship Journal in January 2021 as a biblically-grounded resource to help you improve the financial health of your church. Please tell us your thoughts in a short survey and help us improve this resource. The survey remains open through Friday.
Here is a preview of this week’s Stewardship Journal:
Have you ever tried to make a major change or present a future project and it never seemed to get off the ground? I think most of us as pastors have had instances like that. Our lead post, entitled Failing Forward: Learning from Our Peers, deals with this issue. The post shares the mistakes other pastors have made and then gives some practical advice on how you can assure success.
Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, concludes his series on raising over-and-above dollars. Mark’s post this week is entitled Raising Capital Dollars in the 21st Century. As always, you will find practical and helpful solutions in Mark’s writing.
This week’s Bonus Section is entitled It’s All About the Vision. This is a great section that concisely shares the importance of crafting a vision statement that will rally your members’ support.
This week’s Mission and Ministry offering section has a July 4th theme and is entitled Freedom Isn’t Free. This is a great talk to help your people see the value of their gift and what it means for eternity. While you might not be passing a physical offering plate, we believe taking two minutes or less in every service to highlight missions and ministry will result in an increase in giving.
There will be no Stewardship Journal next week due to the 4th of July. Have a great holiday!
I believe you will find all of the articles helpful for you and your team as you attempt to be fully funded. Our goal is to help you to that end. Remember, please Take the survey now.
Advancing the Gospel!

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