From the Desk of Our Executive Director
Welcome to another Stewardship Journal!
In this edition of the Stewardship Journal, longtime MBC pastor Richie Rhea writes a post entitled Should We Teach Giving During VBS? Richie raises some great points that I believe will be beneficial for all to consider. VBS has been one of the greatest outreach tools for Southern Baptists. Can we also use it to teach the Next Generation about stewardship? That is the topic Richie discusses for us.
Here is a preview of the rest of the Stewardship Journal.
Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, starts his post with this comment from a pastor who said, “I met with a few pastor friends of mine, and none of them are going back to passing an offering plate.” Mark gives his response in a post entitled The Real Reason Offerings Are Declining. I think you will find his comments revealing and thought-provoking.
This week’s Bonus Section isentitled Your Last-Minute Summer Planning Sheet. It gives you suggested questions you can ask to gauge your plans for heading off the summer slump in giving. Summer is only a few weeks away so now is the time to make plans to avoid a decline in giving.
This week’s Mission and Ministry offering moment is entitled Who Is Ready for Summer? The talk focuses on Americans’ love of vacations and draws a link to supporting the missions and ministries of your church this summer.
Would you like to add your thoughts to our Richie Rhea’s on VBS? In our next edition of the Stewardship Journal, we will be posting another in our series entitled, “Missouri Baptists Speak Up About.” This time we are asking pastors about their views on VBS. We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas. To be added to our list of pastors, email Rob Phillips at
Thanks again for opening and reading the Stewardship Journal. Remember, if you know of someone that would like to receive the Journal, please send them this link for easy signup
Advancing the Gospel!
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