From the Desk of our Executive Director
Happy New Year and welcome to the newly updated 2022 Stewardship Journal! The 2022 Journal is now a web-based newsletter with clickable links. Each article is a blog post, and each weekly Journal is an e-newsletter with teasers and links to the articles. This significantly improves the static PDF that required opening/downloading. You will still find the same helpful articles and posts as before but now with a better delivery process.
The State of 2022 Giving is the title of our lead post. In this featured article we share with you some key statistics about the state of giving in America today and what church leaders need to be focusing on to improve giving.
Here is a preview of what you can expect in the following pages.
We are excited to once again have Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, sharing his extensive stewardship experience through his writing. This week’s post starts a series on taking up the offering and is entitled Everything Rises and Falls With the Offering.
This week’s Bonus Section is entitled Practical Ideas to Take Your Offering to the Next Level.
Our weekly Mission and Ministry Moment section is designed to help you improve and enhance your weekly offering times. This week’s talk focuses on Martin Luther King Day and is entitled Dreams Matter.
Remember, if you know of someone that would like to receive the Journal, please send them this link for easy signup
Our prayer is that the Stewardship Journal will help you enhance and expand giving at your church in 2022.
Advancing the Gospel!

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