From My Desk to Yours

From My Desk to Yours

Welcome to another edition of the Stewardship Journal. In this issue, we discuss how important the pastor’s role is in developing and forming a culture of generosity built on biblical principles. Here is a preview of this week’s posts.

Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach, leads off with his post entitled Overcoming Your Church’s Biggest Stewardship Roadblock…You. Mark writes, “Many years ago, I wrote a book on the top stewardship mistakes churches make. The first chapter, and first on my list, was the disconnected pastor. As I wrote that chapter, I remember asking myself what was causing the disconnect I was seeing among pastors about stewardship. What were the reasons for disconnecting from something?” He then gives ten reasons why this occurs. Read his post to find out if you are your biggest roadblock.

How much time should a Senior Pastor spend on stewardship? Mark’s Bonus Section, The Senior Pastor’s Weekly Stewardship Overview, answers that question and then gives practical recommendations on how you can improve your stewardship leadership.

One of our goals at the Stewardship Journal is to bring you thoughts and writings from various outside sources. In coming issues, you will find posts from Thom Rainer, Chuck Lawless, and many others. In this edition, our focus has been on pastoral leadership with regard to stewardship. One area where pastors often are poor stewards is in their personal walk and time with the Lord. We reached out to Dr. Ronnie Floyd to discuss this area with him. Every pastor and staff member should read An Interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd.

Remember, you can find all the past posts at Let us help you build a culture of generosity at your church.

In Jesus’ name!

Dr. Shawn Parker

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