Every Gift is a Big Deal
Today, in churches around the world, we celebrate Palm Sunday. This day, the week before Easter, is when we focus on Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. On that day, Jesus rode into the city on a donkey that had never had anyone ride it. People came from all over the city to celebrate his coming to Jerusalem that day. They laid palm branches in front of his donkey which was what people did as a tribute in those days to victorious kings.
What we often gloss over is how Jesus got that donkey. The Scripture says that Jesus directed the Disciples to go into a town and find the donkey tied up and to bring it to him. He told them that if anyone asked why they were taking it tell them, “The Lord needs it.” That is exactly what happened. They found the donkey and as they were untying it the owners said to them, “Why are you untying the donkey.” “The Lord needs it,” they said. That was it. The Lord needed a donkey, and the owners gave it to the disciples.
No big deal, right? Yet, their generosity set the stage for one of the greatest moments in the life of Jesus. Don’t you know their grandkids heard them tell this story over and over? Their small contribution fulfilled the Lord’s need.
What could your generosity unleash? When you give here you help us state your Vision Statement or change lives for the Kingdom. We do indeed serve a victorious King. So, let’s worship through giving by laying down our tribute with a generous offering. Find the best and easiest way for you to give.
At YOUR CHURCH NAME, every gift is a big deal. Thanks for helping us make a difference in our town.
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