Do You Ever Forget?

Do You Ever Forget?

Anyone in here honest enough to admit that they sometimes forget about their offering? You thought about giving. You wanted to give. It’s just that something else came up, distracted you, you went on vacation or whatever, and before you know it, you forgot. I think most of us can identify with that scenario.

We have a solution – Set up your giving to be recurring! With recurring giving, your offering always shows up in the “offering plate,” whether you are here or at the lake, beach, or mountains. You’ll never forget the offering again, and most important of all, you will help fund all the life-changing work our church is doing. We could not do what we do without your faithful generosity.

Setting up recurring giving is easy to do. (List the various ways, and then point them to your website giving portal URL. If you use screens, have that address up and in any print material you provide.) We invite everyone to worship with us through giving, and we thank you for supporting the work we do. We provide multiple ways to give here. Find the way that is the best fit for you.

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