Correcting Easter Offering Mistakes
How do you correct these mistakes? Here are some thoughts on how to correct the above mistakes.
- Don’t make the offering time about you! Too often, we make any appeal to give about hitting some budget number that few, if any, understand or care about. If your goal is to make budget, you’re not going to have a successful offering.
- The goal is not to get people’s money but in what it represents, their hearts. How we spend money shows what we truly value.
- Leading your flock to achieve financial stability through understanding and applying biblical principles. Practicing good stewardship of all that God entrusts to us helps believers better manage their resources. When we de-emphasize giving, we are not doing our members any favors. Your kids don’t like eating vegetables, but you make them eat them. You do it for their own good.
- Show the impact of what giving accomplishes. People want to be a part of something significant. The work of your local church is eternally significant!
By telling your story of what God is doing at your church, touching lives for eternity, you can invite anyone to give financially to support your story. Americans are the most generous people on earth when motivated. Let’s find ways to motivate people to give to your story.
Here are some practical suggestions on how to do this…
The Stewardship Coach’s Motivational Easter Offering Goals for Church Leaders
- Create a worshipful moment for the offering that sets the stage for future appeals. Winning begets winning. When you make the offering worshipful, people will come to enjoy the offering time. Giving will increase. And a great offering will…
- Launch new donors on the road to being good stewards and generous disciples. The number one area most churches need improvement in is bringing up the Next Generation of donors. Why not use this Easter to pave the way for starting that group towards the goal of moving up the generosity ladder?
- Fully fund your spring and summer months. In my experience, churches often come out of the first quarter behind their set budget. This endangers spring and summer initiatives unless we can close the giving gap. So, I have a working goal of seeing at least one additional week of offering raised.
It only takes 120 seconds or less on Easter morning to accomplish this, but it will require time, thought, action, and prayer on your team’s part to accomplish!
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