The Stewardship Coach

It’s Time to Start Thinking Summer Giving

My job is to keep you focused and out of the ditch. I write each Stewardship Coach column with that in mind. I do for you what no one else does; think, how will that impact giving? I’ve been at this for, well, a long time. So, I’ve learned a...

The Road Back to Normalcy

I will always remember Sunday, March 13th, as the day the offering bucket passed by me for the first time in, well, forever! Since I moved to Oklahoma, I have seen a lot of things in church I have not seen in a long time, like shaking hands and maskless...

The Value of Showing Gratitude

“When is showing gratitude ever inappropriate?” That was my wife Valerie’s response after I returned home from meeting with a pastor who had asked me to write a series of letters for him. One letter I wrote was a thank you letter to donors for their generosity. When I showed...

A Practical Guide to Your Best Easter Offering

Are you running a bit behind in giving? Would you like to increase giving to assure those summer initiatives are fully funded? How about seeing some new donors start contributing? A successful Easter offering will accomplish all the above. I’m in week two of a series on Easter offering planning....

Making the Case for Easter Offering Planning

Easter is six weeks away, and I have about six seconds to keep your attention. So, how about this? Reading this Coach will help you raise your largest Easter offering ever and add new donors. Need more convincing? Here is what one pastor emailed me after using my Easter giving playbook: “We followed...

The 21st Century Sermon

“He is twenty minutes into his sermon, and he has not yet mentioned one Bible verse.” That was my comment one Sunday morning, right after our move to Oklahoma. Valerie and I were church shopping, looking for a church that would be a good fit for us. Someone had recommended...

Making a Case for a Stewardship Series

You are 2 ½ times more likely to see an increase in giving after preaching a series on giving rather than preaching on stewardship once or even twice a year.1. If that is true, why is it that so many pastors fail to even preach one sermon a year on...

The Key Lanes of Stewardship Development

I’ve learned to stay in my lane. It became apparent to me early in my ministry that there were certain things that I simply was not gifted in. It wasn’t my lane to be in. At this stage of my ministry, my lane is stewardship. I get up every morning...

The Digital Offering

The offering is not dead; it’s different. It has been my new mantra and theme of the last few issues of The Stewardship Coach. I’ve been contending that the why of the offering hasn’t changed. What has changed is the how. In 2011, only 14% of churches offered online giving....