Author - Mark Brooks

An Interview with Ron Sellers

In my opening post, I referenced a study entitled, The Giving Gap: Changes in Evangelical Generosity. The study was done by Infinity Concepts | Grey Matter Research. Ron Sellers of Grey Matter Research was gracious enough to give me an interview about their recent report. Due to the length of...

A False Sense of Security

How can giving be up when it's actually down? The 33rd edition of The State of Church Giving through 2021 Intentional Miracles, a highly respected source, reveals some startling facts. In 1933, the worst year of the Depression, Americans gave 3.2% of their Disposable Personal Income (DPI) to the church....

The Coach’s End-of-Year Planning Edition

It’s September, which means it is time to start thinking, planning, and praying about your end-of-year giving strategy. Every September, I know it is time to focus on end-of-year giving as I am already getting end-of-year appeals from non-profit charities. So, I want to help you start your planning process...

The Coach’s Playbook for EOY Giving

If you have ever paid attention to football head coaches during a game, you will see they have a sheet of paper with various plays listed for each situation the team might face, including the last few minutes of the game. The following is my list of plays for an...

A Wake-Up Call to Engage Donors

Americans gave $557 billion to charity in 2023. That’s the good news. The bad news is even though the total dollars given to charity is up, the number of donors giving is down. Even more troubling, Americans now give only 1.7% of their disposable incomes to charities, the lowest level...

The Stewardship of Debt

I believe that sometimes, it is in the best interest of a church to acquire a short-term debt to facilitate growth. That comment could get you disbarred from some churches in America, including the church I currently attend! I might be exaggerating a bit, but if I suggested we borrow...

The Ripple Effect: An Interview With Dennis Moses

Toss a stone in the middle of a body of calm water, and you can watch the ripples spread outward from the point of impact, changing the water's dynamic. It’s cause and effect. The calm of the water is interrupted by the impact of the rock. It’s a ripple effect...

From The Stewardship Journal Team

“It ain’t over until it’s over!” Remember those famous words? That phrase comes in handy when it comes to raising capital dollars, as we will explain with this edition of the Stewardship Journal as we continue our series on capital campaigns, Giving Away the Farm. Our goal is to help...