Author - Mark Brooks

End-of-Year Plan Planning Overview

December 31 will be here before you know it. The time to plan for end-of-year giving is now. The sooner you start your planning, the more effective your end-of-year giving results will be. Let's get started! If followed, this basic plan of action will greatly increase your end-of-year giving. The Three...

The 2023 Fourth Quarter Giving Guide

It’s September, and I am starting to get emails about end-of-year planning. Those emails are coming from non-profits. Non-profit organizations (NPOs) understand that: 30% of annual giving occurs in December. 10% of annual giving occurs on the last 3 days of the year. Churches can see similar results if they start planning now....

Without a Vision, Giving Declines

Nonprofit employees want inspired leaders with bold vision: Nonprofit employees ranked vision, relationship building, inspiring trust, and strong communication skills as the most valued elements of leadership. That was the finding of a national study recently conducted among nonprofit employees by a leading nonprofit firm, Dickerson, Bakker & Associates. You...

If You Want to Increase Giving Try a Changeup Pitch

Today's offering advice is this, if you want to increase giving try a changeup pitch. I know little about baseball, but I do know that successful pitchers must have more than one type of pitch in their repertoire if they want to get a batter out. One such pitch is...

The Three Primary Keys For Fully Funding Your Church

Generosity is not caught, it is taught. Yet many pastors act as if their members will eventually “get it.” I was one of those pastors early on in my career. I seldom, if ever, preached on giving. When I realized that Jesus taught more about finances than any other subject,...

Two Common Donation Downfalls

In my twenty-five years as a stewardship coach, I have found that there are two common downfalls that churches run into when it comes to donations: taking their donors for granted and failing to thank them. I am often amazed at how poor the average church is at simply expressing...

Overcoming Your Summer Slump in Giving

It’s time to build out your come-from-behind strategy! I wrote the following post for my sponsor, It can be found at I don’t know where you live, but here in Oklahoma, it is HOT! I’m ready for summer to be over and for cooler weather. Do you know...

What Should a Capital Campaign Consultant Do?

What Does a Capital Campaign Consultant Actually Do? That was the subject line of an email I recently received from a non-profit fundraising consultant. The email began by saying, “Have you ever wondered what all these capital campaign consultants actually do? Is what they do all "smoke and mirrors," or do...

Thoughts on Raising Capital

What is the future for raising the capital funding you need? The list below is some of the key issues churches will face as they attempt to fund future capital expenses. In the 21st century, capital campaigns are not dead, but they are different. Key thought: make sure your approach to...