Author - Mark Brooks

From The Stewardship Journal Team

Welcome to the last edition of the Stewardship Journal. The Journal was started in 2021 by the Missouri Baptist State Convention for pastors and church leaders. It expanded in 2024 to include other state Conventions. The Journal is one of the few sources of stewardship advice in the SBC Convention....

The Final Edition

This is The Final Edition of my weekly stewardship newsletter. I’ve dreaded typing that sentence for weeks. I have a couple of pages of random thoughts on what I wanted to say, how to say it, etc. I’ve typed that opening sentence and retyped it so many times in my...

The Coach’s Four December Tips to Make Your End-of-Year Giving a Success

Non-profits know how crucial end-of-year giving is. They have a plan, do you? Here are four tips to help you. Tip #1—Have a plan and work your plan! If you don't plan, you plan on failure, so let's devise a plan. Your plan in a nutshell… Social Media posts from now through December...

How to Give More Without Giving More

I wanted to share with you practical advice on how to start your giving New Year out well. Here is a post I wrote for You can see the link where it is now, posted after the article. This will show you how AI reworked what I submitted....

A Special Announcement

The last Stewardship Journal will be published on December 2nd! It will contain key information about how to close our current giving year strong and help you lay the groundwork for a positive first quarter in the New Year. With a good plan of action, your church can increase its...

From The Stewardship Journal Team

Do you know how to use gratitude to increase generosity? With this edition of the Stewardship Journal, you will! As we approach Thanksgiving, it’s a great time to look at the value of saying thank you to your donors. Here is a preview of the posts: Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach,...

Using Gratitude to Sow Seeds for Future Generosity

“If you had it (being a pastor) to do all over again, what would you do?” I was in my second year of the stewardship ministry when a couple of staff members asked me that over a cup of coffee. As I write these last few editions of my stewardship...

Key Pointers for Expressing Gratitude

“I never, in a million years, would have ever expected a hand-written, personalized thank you note from the pastor.” Have you ever had anyone thank you for thanking them for giving? If not, it's probably because you have never thought about, nor implemented, a process of thanking donors. For years,...

Because of Your Generosity

I wrote the following post for my sponsor,, in 2019. We find that 80% of our receipt emails after a donation are opened and read. As a result, we encourage our partners to utilize receipts as a thank you, pointing out the value of the donor's gift. The...

From The Stewardship Journal Team

Are you ready for the 2030s? This edition of the Stewardship Journal is focused on future planning around building a stewardship base for your church that will sustain you into and through the 2030s, should Jesus tarry! Let’s break down our posts, all by Mark Brooks, The Stewardship Coach. Visioneering the...