Attracting the Next Generation of Donors

Attracting the Next Generation of Donors

The future of church giving is at a crossroads, demanding a strategic shift. Currently, most churches in America are heavily dependent on financial support from Baby Boomers, a generation that is now entering retirement. But what happens when this generation passes the torch? This could pose a significant challenge for churches, as younger generations are generally less inclined towards church giving. It’s absolutely vital for churches to start adapting and thinking about how to attract the next generation of donors. One way is through a robust online giving platform.

A recent Barna study, “Meet the Digital Donor,” reports that 25% of Boomers and 34% of Elders prefer giving online, and that’s in line with the online preference reported by Gen Z at 32%, Millennials at 25%, and Gen X at 30%. The study also revealed that donors appreciate having multiple options. They found, “Giving online through a website is as common as giving cash in person. Thinking about the last time they gave, an equal proportion of people (22%) say they did so through each method.”1. This underscores the need for churches to adapt to these changing donor preferences.

Here are some ideas for attracting the next generation of donors through your online platform.

Do things worth giving to. Multiple studies have shown that the younger generation will give, but they want to give to things that matter. I once was a member of a church that sent out a mid-year appeal letter asking members to give, stating that utility bills for the AC were running high in summer. The letter failed to mention all the missions and ministry the church was doing that summer. At the same time members were getting this request, their favorite non-profit organization was sending them appeals about saving the world with their $25 monthly gift. We then wonder why younger generations fail to give to our churches. Perhaps they don’t see the impact of what we do. So, …

Show them the impact of a gift. For years, I have encouraged my clients to tell their stories of impacting lives through the missions and ministry of their church. I like to say, “Get a story, work your story, tell your story, and people will willingly give to support that story.” Your story is the vision of helping connect people to Jesus. Helping people see the connection of how a dollar given to your church helps change the world for the better can and will motivate younger generations as well. I call this show and tell. Here is a post about showing the impact of a gift:

Make it easy for them to give the way they like to give. Studies have shown that the way Americans do commerce has changed dramatically. Younger generations are driving much of this. To engage with younger donors, you must offer the platforms they use and be where they are. Our platform is perfect for the mobile society we live in. With OG, your offering plate will never be closed, and it will be easy and quick to give to. We offer the latest, most up-to-date tools. Does your provider?

Thank them for their gift. 75% to 80% of thank you email receipts are opened. This gives you a perfect opportunity to briefly tell your story and encourage additional gifts. By using the tools provided by Online Giving, our church partners can customize the giving confirmation receipts sent after each gift. You can use these receipts to communicate a heartfelt thank you for the contribution, key events, or other opportunities needing support and service. Your giving receipts can become vehicles to tell stories of how God uses their gifts in the local community and beyond.Our platform walks you through step by step how to set this up. If you have difficulty, our Customer Service will show you how to customize your receipts. Does your online provider offer that kind of service?

Offer them the opportunity to give again. If they gave the first gift, another well-crafted appeal has a great chance of being responded to. I advise all my clients to encourage donors to make their gifts recurring. By offering that option, you will be pleasantly surprised by how many check that box and begin their journey into the joys of a life of generosity—all because you asked.

By 2045, the next generation will inherit a staggering $84 trillion, presenting a significant opportunity for churches to engage with these future donors.2. Churches will need to meet this strategic shift, or they could be faced with a financial disaster. With our platforms, tools, and coaching, you can be prepared for the next generation of donors. Contact us today at (615) 206-4000 or at


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