An Overview of Free Capital Campaign Help

An Overview of Free Capital Campaign Help

Get the help you need for your next capital campaign for a price you can afford AND never have to leave your office or home! I wrote that line in 2015 for a program I developed called The Online Campaign. I devised an eight-part online series that would teach any church the basics of holding a capital campaign. In 2015, few had heard of doing anything online or remotely, and to my chagrin, my brilliant idea was for nothing. I’ve decided to resurrect the concept, but this time, I am offering my advice for free. That is why I am calling this series on capital campaigns: Giving Away the Farm.

I have been thinking and praying for the last couple of years about how I can make an impact on churches. Since 2018, I have had multiple conversations with a host of denominations, including the Southern Baptist Convention and many of their state conventions. I’ve talked with presidents of denominations, chairpersons of stewardship committees for denominations, agency heads, and heads of foundations. All agree there is a giving problem facing churches. None can agree on what to do, so they do nothing. So, while they are still talking, I decided to do something.

I believe we need to call our churches to hold a series of campaigns between now and 2030 to raise the funds we need to meet our facility needs in the 2030s. My sponsor,,, gives me the freedom to provide the help your denomination won’t for free. They are investing in me, to invest in you. My Eight Lessons for a Successful Capital Campaign Overview – Here is a thumbnail of what I will be sharing:

Lesson #1    It Starts With a Vision – How to craft your vision for maximum results!
Lesson #2    Setting Realistic Targets – How to start right to end right!
Lesson #3    Leading Leaders to Lead – How to identify and cultivate giving leaders.
Lesson #4    Campaign Boot Camp – Mastering the basics of a capital campaign.
Lesson #5    The Fourth C – How to communicate your vision effectively.
Lesson #6    The Power of the Pulpit (or Platform) – How to preach for success.
Lesson #7    It’s Not Fund Raising; It’s Faith Raising – Spiritually engage your congregation.
Lesson #8    Follow-Up – Commitment cards are cool, but nothing beats CASH!

Who will benefit most from this? Every church leader of any size church can and will benefit from this series. One reason why is because I focus on principles, not a pre-set program. At the same time, I believe this series will be most helpful for those that are:

  • Emerging churches with under 500 in attendance.
  • Churches with budgets of less than $1,000,000.
  • Churches that have done multiple campaigns.
  • Churches that need to raise less than 50% of their annual budgets.

All you need to do is watch your email inbox every Monday! I’m going to lay out for all of us, the key principles you will need to be prepared for the 2030s.

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