A Sample Letter to Leadership
As we continue to focus on end-of-year giving, we have found that getting your giving leaders on board early in the process is key to any offering’s success. I advise an advance letter about end-of-year giving to be sent out early in November. Here is a sample from my end-of-year playbook, The Two Minute Drill. Edit the following to best suit your message.
Dear _____________,
In 2023, CHURCH NAME saw scores of lives changed by the power of the Gospel, and your generosity helped make that happen. On behalf of countless lives changed, let me say thank you! Because of the faithful generosity of our members, we have been able to: (Insert your examples)
- List an outreach ministry your church supported,
- Report on children and youth outreach results.
- List any other victories accomplished because of members’ generosity.
Thank you, NAME Church, for helping to make all the above, and MUCH more, possible! You helped make all the above possible through your generosity! We have much more to do as we prepare for our mission to continue into the New Year. Consider these challenges of need: (Insert your own needs)
- We must upgrade all our technical gear to better minister to our three campuses.
- We must improve our Small Group ministry with these tools to continue personal ministry to you and your family and give us the opportunity for virtual opportunities in apartment complexes and other options.
- Funding is needed for the Motion Student conference and local groups being held soon. We are passionate about raising NextGen leaders!
These challenges are an opportunity for our church to step up and continue being the hands and feet of Jesus!
I wanted to alert you to a special end-of-year offering push we will hold in the next few weeks through the end of the current year. We challenge our entire church family to give a gift over and above their regular giving for a special Christmas offering.
Our end-of-year Christmas giving appeal has a two-fold goal. First, we have a goal of raising one week’s offering. Achieving this will better position us for the New Year. Our giving goal is to receive an additional $10,000 (Insert your giving goal) above our normal offering. Your generosity will help us achieve that goal. The secondary goal is to motivate others to join generous people like you.
You will be hearing more about this in the weeks to come. Will you join me in taking the challenge by giving an extra offering for our Christmas offering?
Pastor Mark
P.S. I have included a special envelope to make it easy for you to give, or you can go to our website at http://ourchurch.org/give and follow the simple steps to give.
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