A Sample End-of-Year Giving Statement

A Sample End-of-Year Giving Statement

Churches are required to send out end-of-year giving statements. In upcoming issues, I will share with you how to use Direct Appeals effectively. Many churches in our team are now beginning to send out their yearly giving statements. Here is a sample of how I would position my end-of-year statement. The following, though designed as a letter, could easily be adapted into an email.

Dear _______________, (Always personally address letters and emails)

By God’s grace and the generosity of people like you, CHURCH NAME is alive and well! 2020 was a year like none other. Yet, we found a way to not only minister to one another but to continue our mission outreach. Again, it’s because of people like you.

Consider that because of the faithful generosity of our members; we have been able to:

  • Provide care for families in need, including many that are hurting and in financial need during this season of COVID! When one part of the body suffers, the others run to it!
  • Provide the funding needed for our new “multi-site” church with three locations – on-site at our facility, our English virtual service, and our Spanish virtual service.
  • Connect with more people in more places in the history of our church!

Thank you, Church Name, for helping make all of the above, and MUCH more, possible!

God’s not done with us yet! There are more lives to impact and change. We are looking forward to another great year of ministry impact and appreciate your continued support.

You will find a list of your 2020 giving attached. Please contact our office if you have any questions about this report. We would be more than happy to answer any questions or to help in any way.

Once again, thank you for your gifts providing life change to CITY NAME and beyond!


PS:  Would you like to make your giving easier? You can go to http://OURCHURCH.ORG/GIVE and set up your giving to be recurring. I have done it and you should too!

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