A Sample Capital Campaign Preaching Schedule

A Sample Capital Campaign Preaching Schedule

One of the greatest challenges I face is helping pastors plan their preaching for a capital campaign. I’m often asked how long a sermon series should run for a capital campaign. The answer depends upon many factors, but I have found that four to six weeks is the best length.

The following is a thumbnail overview of a series preached by a recent client. The project is a new worship center. The church raised 2 ½ times its budget, and with one year left, they are ahead of schedule in giving.

Vision 2022 Sermons – Fall Stewardship Campaign

September 18, 2022 – Sermon 1

Title: See the Need

Text: Matthew 9:35-38

Key Ideas: This message will focus on setting the stage for the series. I will talk about seeing people the way Jesus saw them and then call people to respond as Jesus did. I will contextualize this, seeking to show the deep need to reach the many people God has and is bringing into our communities.

September 25, 2022 – Sermon 2

Title: Meet the Need

Text: Psalm 24, Mark 12:41-44, Luke 12:13-21

Key Ideas: This message will focus on showing what sacrifice looks like in God’s Kingdom. To meet the need and truly reach/disciple people, we must sacrifice together. But what does sacrifice look like? I will contrast the Mark 12 and Luke 12 stories, letting Psalm 24 be the driving reminder that everything belongs to God.

October 2, 2022 – Sermon 3

Title: Live the Vision

Text: Nehemiah 2-3

Key Ideas: This message will focus on the importance of vision and how vision drives God’s people. I will discuss how having a vision is one thing, but living it is another. We need both. I heard a wise person once say, “Dollars follow vision.” Truly, God’s vision must be in the driver’s seat, and His people must get on board for the ride.

October 9, 2022 – Sermon 4

Title: For the Next Generation

Text: 2 Timothy 1-2

Key Ideas: This message will focus on the importance of passing down our faith to the next generation, as modeled and taught in 2 Timothy 1-2. In this sermon, I will do all I can to compellingly call our people to have a relentless passion and burden for the next generation and ask them to get on board and be willing to sacrifice like never before!

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