An Overview of a Leadership Meeting

An Overview of a Leadership Meeting

Let me explain what I mean when I say leaders. As a stewardship guy, I’m thinking of raising funds. So, I want the top 15% of your donors to be present at any leadership meeting. Often, that net captures all your leaders. However, it might not catch the faithful retiree who teaches a weekly Bible study at the church. So, I want members of influence in the Leadership Meeting. I advise yearly Leadership Meetings. Always include your top 15%!

Early in the capital campaign planning process, I shared this overview of a one-hour leadership meeting with church leaders. It’s written to be generic and a sample of what a one-hour leadership meeting might contain. My goal with this meeting is to begin the communication process with leaders early in the campaign cycle.

The primary objective of this meeting is to provide an update and overview of the sanctuary plans. The aim is to ensure that our leadership team is fully informed and ready to guide our church through this crucial decision-making process.


  1. PRAISE TEAM — Lead in an opening song or two and a short prayer
  2. Pastor’s Introduction – Take 5 to 10 minutes to share the church’s positive numerical and spiritual growth. Make sure you thank those in the room who have helped make these life changes possible. Point out that with growth comes challenges. We need a new ___________ to meet the challenges and position our church has to meet the present and future challenges. We are building not for our convenience but for the next generation; we believe God is sending our way. Talk briefly about the process leading up to this point, and then introduce whoever will give an update on the project.
  3. Overview of the project – 10-minute update on whatever you have that you can report on. This is a broad overview of the project, the hoped-for timeline, and the expense. If you have a lay leader who can communicate, this might be a good place for them. If not, would a staff member be better here?
  4. Pastor – State the vision driving the project – Pastor will — in 10 minutes — state why it is important to get the _________ built and how this campaign will position the church for the future, extending its life-changing mission for many years to come; transitioning to a new exciting chapter of ministry. One of our goals is to help them make the link of how their gift will help drive the future of the church. The goal is to use the Connecting Power of Vision to begin their journey of discovering what God is asking of them.
  5. Pastors Call – I recommend saying, As I finish tonight, here is what I am asking you…

    First, I need all of us to begin to pray. Pray for us as leaders. We are endeavoring to hear from the Lord. Pray that all the details will fall into place. I would also ask you to begin praying about your commitment to what God would have you do. We are already thinking and praying about our own commitment.

    Secondly, become aware! At this point, we have tried to share as much as we know with you. We will keep the church informed as developments occur. If you have questions, feel free to contact me or email me.

    Thirdly, be supportive. This is important! As news of this filters out, I need your support in the hallways and the parking lot. As church leaders, you are influencers. I need your support as a leader to be the echo of this vision in your sphere of influence.

    Fourthly, be excited! This is an exciting thing. I have to tell you I was slightly worried about this meeting. Then I realized what a great problem it was to have to build. I think we should celebrate and anticipate!
  6. Pastor’s Prayer of Dismissal—The pastor will say something like, “Thank you so much for coming tonight to hear this important report and news about what is ahead. I realize some of you may have more questions, so the team and I will stay behind as long as needed to answer any questions. Let’s pray.”

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