Yearly Archives - 2023

Using the Power of Vision

How do you recover lost offerings? For one thing, you can't merely sit around wringing your hands about the decline in giving. You must act. However, your actions can’t come off as looking desperate. Ultimately, that will not make a difference. You need to use the connecting power of vision...

The 2023 Come Back Offering Edition

It’s the middle of summer, your members are on vacation, and I have a question for you: how is giving going? Summer is the most challenging time for giving, with July being the lowest offering month of the year for the typical church. The irony is that summer is the...

Yes, You Can Make Up Lost Giving

When it comes to giving, can you make up lost ground? Yes. Every summer, I encourage what I call a come-from-behind giving strategy. My goal is to help you close whatever giving gap you are currently experiencing. Desperate appeals versus decisive appeals. First, let me explain why you should consider closing...

From the Desk of Our Executive Director

How is giving going at your church? That’s the question we want to ask with this edition of the Stewardship Journal. Summer has traditionally been one of the most challenging times for churches in terms of making the budget. We want to help you close any giving gap that might...

Six Key Points on Vision Crafting Your Church Budget

How do you avoid an emotionless presentation? You make your appeal appealing! Not everyone in your church has reached their fullest giving potential. Those new to the faith or new to your church need inspirational education about where the money you are asking for actually goes. Our challenge is to...

Coach’s 2023 Budget Training Camp

Football season is just around the corner, and NFL teams are heading to their training camps in preparation for a winning season. The work they do in July/August will pave the way for success or failure once the season begins. At the same time, churches all over America are beginning...

Three Leadership Landmines That Can Derail Your Budget

“The Senior Pastor won’t be in the meeting.” That was the reply a lay leader shared with me once when his church wanted my help. I replied that the meeting would be worthless unless the pastor showed up. That wasn’t the answer they were looking for, and I never heard...

From the Desk of Our Executive Director

We’re back! I pray you had a wonderful 4th of July. We took the week off, but we are back with another exciting issue of the Stewardship Journal. In this edition, we are focusing on budget planning. For many of our churches, now is the time they begin budget planning...

Making the Case for the Forgotten Sermon

The following is from The Forgotten Sermon: How to Preach Effectively on Giving. Why should you regularly preach on stewardship? Here are two major reasons why. It’s biblical! The Bible has a lot to say about money. Don’t let a few people talk you out of preaching the whole counsel...

How to Preach Effectively on Giving

How long has it been since you preached a stewardship series? I ask this question every year when I write about the necessity of stewardship education from the pulpit. Why is it that most pastors seldom, if ever, preach on stewardship? The answer is that it’s unpopular, and we fear...